Conserving Water Yet?
Madison’s water comes from groundwater in a deep sandstone aquifer below the city. We should understand that clean fresh water is a limited resource in much of the planet, with only 1% of the water on earth readily available as freshwater. Let’s consider how we can conserve. Every day, an average American family uses more than 300 gallons (1,135 liters) of water and around 70 percent of that is used indoors, with the bathroom accounting for the largest share since a toilet alone can use 24 percent. Here are some small actions that can make a big difference.
1. Check your toilet for leaks.
A leak in your toilet may be wasting more than 100 gallons of water a day.
2. Don’t use your toilet as a wastebasket
Every tissue you flush away also flushes away five to seven gallons of water.
3. Take shorter showers
A typical shower uses five to ten gallons of water a minute. Shower to the time it takes to soap up, wash and rise off.
4. Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors
Your hardware or plumbing supply store stocks inexpensive shower heads or flow restrictors that cut your shower flow to about three gallons a minute instead of 5 to 10.
5. Take baths
A partially filled tub uses less water than all but the shortest showers.
6. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and while shaving Before brushing, wet your brush and fill a glass for rinsing your mouth. Fill the bottom of the sink with a few inches of warm water in which to rinse your razor.
7. Check faucets and pipes for leaks
Even a small drip can waste 50 or more gallons of water a day. Leaks waste water 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
8. Use your automatic dishwasher and washing machine for full loads only Running your dishwasher less often saves water and money.
Your automatic washing machine uses 30 to 35 gallons per cycle.
9. If you wash dishes by hand, don't leave the water running for rinsing If you have two sinks, fill one with rinse water. If you have only one sink, first gather all your washed dishes in a dish rack, then rinse them quickly with a spray device or a pan of water.
Let’s appreciate what we have in Madison and practice water saving measures in our homes and households to help conserve our water resources.