University Crossing SHNA Position Paper and Request to the Madison Plan Commission
Spring Harbor Neighborhood Association (SHNA) is pleased to see the former Erdman property being
planned for development. SHNA has played an active role in identifying neighborhood and west side
interests and concerns and in collaborating with Krupp Construction, city staff, alders, and adjoining
neighborhoods to make this a high quality, neighborhood-friendly, development. SHNA has looked to the
Spring Harbor Neighborhood Plan (approved by the Common Council) to guide our review of the proposed
development and believe our recommendations are consistent with the plan and specific plan design
This position paper identifies design and construction considerations expressed by neighborhood residents
and business owners during meetings and discussions related to the University Crossing development. Spring
Harbor and adjoining neighborhoods are directly affected. These predominantly residential communities are
interspersed with historic natural areas, greenways and parks, and bordered by the Lake Mendota shoreline.
The area is bisected by University Avenue, a heavily traveled corridor scheduled for upgrade in 2012 with
projected long-term traffic growth.
Given the extent of environmental, traffic, and quality-of-living challenges facing this area, SHNA
recommends that plans and designs make wider use of best practices (versus simply minimum standards)
in specifying development and construction practices. SHNA is fully aware of the financial and market
constraints facing new developments, and is committed to making every effort to identify options and
practices that add quality and value, increase marketability, and recover costs through greater efficiency.
SHNA is pleased that Krupp Construction has chosen the PUD process. As general development plans are
formulated, the neighborhood seeks the assistance of the Plan Commission in incorporating the features and
standards outlined below.
SHNA asks the Plan Commission to request the following changes as a condition of approval of the
development proposal for University Crossing:
Stormwater and Runoff.
The University Crossing site is located on a relatively steep slope directly over the Spring Harbor
drainage culvert. Lake Mendota, Spring Harbor and Spring Harbor Beach are only a few hundred yards
downstream. It is critical that innovative stormwater management techniques be used to limit runoff at its
source, maximize infiltration of clean runoff, and filter and slow runoff from pavements with vehicular
traffic. Rooftop runoff should be collected for reuse and infiltration. SHNA requests that green spaces
be designed with maximum use of vegetative landscape swales to minimize runoff and infiltrate a large
percentage of natural precipitation while permitting normal machine mowing and maintenance. Drainage
from streets, parking structures, and service areas should be directed into lined biofiltration basins to
protect city well #14, a well-head protected zone, and to reduce water quality risks from polluted runoff
entering Spring Harbor.
1. To protect Spring Harbor and Lake Mendota we ask that the Plan Commission require 80% filtration
of runoff through such methods as:
a. the expansion of the currently planned filtration basin
b. the addition of linear filtration strips along the site perimeter and interior
c. the addition of filtration strips between rows in the double row parking lots
d. other methods determined by the developer to meet the objectives.
2. Add roofs to all parking structures to avoid mixing clean precipitation with runoff from vehicle
parking and increase the proportion of 'clean' water on the site.
3. Discharge 'clean' roof water onto terraced and vegetated landscapes outside of the first 400 ft of
wellhead protected area (barring objection by DNR).
4. Install grit chambers to receive all street-grate runoff before it is piped into bio-filtration basins.
5. Meet high standards of soil loss control of 1.0 ton/acre or less during demolition and construction.
Permanent landscapes to be terraced and planted with deep-rooted, long-stem, grasses.
Structures and Demolition
6. Building Height. SHNA requests that a maximum height of 4 stories be established for all buildings
on this site including the proposed hotel on Whitney Way. Spring Harbor is primarily a residential
neighborhood with mixed office, commercial and service uses. Limiting the hotel to 4 stories will
alleviate some of the view-shed concerns (views of the capitol building from Old Sauk Rd, and Old
Sauk ridge viewed from the east looking west). A 4 story hotel would be comparable in height to
similar west-side lodgings.
7. Building Design & Internal Street. SHNA supports the wide green edge along University Ave and
the use of a low berm to buffer the first floor of the clinic building. A green edge with drive-up front
entrance on the yet to be named internal street will also increase the pedestrian-friendly character of
the street corridor.
8. Surface Parking. Krupp Construction indicates that Phase I parking will consist of 250 stalls of
surface parking next to Building 1 in the location now shown as parking ramp. Construction of the
parking ramp is scheduled to be carried out when Buildings 2 & 3 are completed. However, without
a specific requirement that structure parking be built, there is a danger the site could be permanently
dominated with cheaper surface parking. SHNA requests that the Plan Commission place time limits
for surface parking.
9. Parking Ramp Height and Design. Perspective drawings (such as Building 1, page 13) suggest that
some parking structures are taller than adjoining buildings. SHNA requests that in all cases, ramp
height not exceed adjoining building height. Further, in keeping with the neighborhood character of
this development, all parking structures should be constructed with trim and finishes on all four sides
compatible with adjoining building designs.
10. Lighting. Apply dark-sky standards to all outdoor lighting. Screen lighting that faces neighboring
residential areas. We ask the Plan Commission to make this a requirement of the development.
11. Buffer Noise and Sound Transmission. The sound of train whistles and traffic noise is intense at this
site. Building designs should take noise into account. This is especially relevant for the hospitality
house and hotel. Tall, straight, building walls on University Ave will also amplify sound and
reflect it toward Indian Hills. SHNA recommends the use of sound dampening wall designs on the
street side of all structures. Rooftop mechanical systems should also be buffered to prevent sound
transmission into residential areas.
12. Demolition Controls. Krupp Construction has announced that the entire 14.35 acre site will be
cleared and graded in a single contract period following the granting of necessary permits and
transfers. Records of paint, plastic and metal fabricating businesses on this site pose the risk of
possible chemical contamination of soil. Continuous monitoring for contamination must be provided
during demolition and grading. Demolition will generate significant noise, dust, traffic and erosion
that will affect surrounding residents and businesses. SHNA requests that drilling and hammering
be kept to a minimum and that the site be watered down frequently to prevent dust. The site slopes
sharply to the north and drains directly into Spring Harbor. Erosion control measures including
contours, detention basins, and drainage swales must be incorporated into the grading plan. An
enhanced landscape planting plan should be carried out during the initial phase that includes grass
seeding and planting of permanent trees and shrubs in all areas not immediately developed. Existing
mature trees along property edges and street-sides should be preserved and protected.
Landscaping, Green Space and Connections
13. Expanded Green Space. Expand the use of tree-lined corridors to define pedestrian pathways
and connections. Preserve mature trees wherever possible. Provide an evergreen buffer along the
Trillium neighborhood boundary and retain established evergreens at University Ave and Whitney
Way. Utilize prairie grasses and native plantings to provide green edges along building fronts
utilizing designs similar to Sequoya Library terraces at Tokay and Midvale.
14. Pedestrian/Bicycle Connections. A complete system of pedestrian/bike paths through the new
development should be provided and connected to existing paths on the outside. SHNA supports
creating a permanent bike/pedestrian access to Craig Ave (Trillium neighborhood) from the
University Ave/Whitney Way development. A number of Craig Ave residents support this initiative.
Collaboration of property owners, city and developer is required. SHNA requests that a future rail
stop be designated during the planning phase with space and access reserved so that future rail
development will be possible.
15. SHNA requests that mature trees and shrubs be maintained at the corner of University Ave and
Whitney Way until the parcel is developed, and that trees and shrubs be maintained on the periphery
to the greatest extent possible. We ask the Plan Commission to add this requirement to any approval
of the development.
Spring Harbor Neighborhood Association (SHNA) is pleased to see the former Erdman property being
planned for development. SHNA has played an active role in identifying neighborhood and west side
interests and concerns and in collaborating with Krupp Construction, city staff, alders, and adjoining
neighborhoods to make this a high quality, neighborhood-friendly, development. SHNA has looked to the
Spring Harbor Neighborhood Plan (approved by the Common Council) to guide our review of the proposed
development and believe our recommendations are consistent with the plan and specific plan design
This position paper identifies design and construction considerations expressed by neighborhood residents
and business owners during meetings and discussions related to the University Crossing development. Spring
Harbor and adjoining neighborhoods are directly affected. These predominantly residential communities are
interspersed with historic natural areas, greenways and parks, and bordered by the Lake Mendota shoreline.
The area is bisected by University Avenue, a heavily traveled corridor scheduled for upgrade in 2012 with
projected long-term traffic growth.
Given the extent of environmental, traffic, and quality-of-living challenges facing this area, SHNA
recommends that plans and designs make wider use of best practices (versus simply minimum standards)
in specifying development and construction practices. SHNA is fully aware of the financial and market
constraints facing new developments, and is committed to making every effort to identify options and
practices that add quality and value, increase marketability, and recover costs through greater efficiency.
SHNA is pleased that Krupp Construction has chosen the PUD process. As general development plans are
formulated, the neighborhood seeks the assistance of the Plan Commission in incorporating the features and
standards outlined below.
SHNA asks the Plan Commission to request the following changes as a condition of approval of the
development proposal for University Crossing:
Stormwater and Runoff.
The University Crossing site is located on a relatively steep slope directly over the Spring Harbor
drainage culvert. Lake Mendota, Spring Harbor and Spring Harbor Beach are only a few hundred yards
downstream. It is critical that innovative stormwater management techniques be used to limit runoff at its
source, maximize infiltration of clean runoff, and filter and slow runoff from pavements with vehicular
traffic. Rooftop runoff should be collected for reuse and infiltration. SHNA requests that green spaces
be designed with maximum use of vegetative landscape swales to minimize runoff and infiltrate a large
percentage of natural precipitation while permitting normal machine mowing and maintenance. Drainage
from streets, parking structures, and service areas should be directed into lined biofiltration basins to
protect city well #14, a well-head protected zone, and to reduce water quality risks from polluted runoff
entering Spring Harbor.
1. To protect Spring Harbor and Lake Mendota we ask that the Plan Commission require 80% filtration
of runoff through such methods as:
a. the expansion of the currently planned filtration basin
b. the addition of linear filtration strips along the site perimeter and interior
c. the addition of filtration strips between rows in the double row parking lots
d. other methods determined by the developer to meet the objectives.
2. Add roofs to all parking structures to avoid mixing clean precipitation with runoff from vehicle
parking and increase the proportion of 'clean' water on the site.
3. Discharge 'clean' roof water onto terraced and vegetated landscapes outside of the first 400 ft of
wellhead protected area (barring objection by DNR).
4. Install grit chambers to receive all street-grate runoff before it is piped into bio-filtration basins.
5. Meet high standards of soil loss control of 1.0 ton/acre or less during demolition and construction.
Permanent landscapes to be terraced and planted with deep-rooted, long-stem, grasses.
Structures and Demolition
6. Building Height. SHNA requests that a maximum height of 4 stories be established for all buildings
on this site including the proposed hotel on Whitney Way. Spring Harbor is primarily a residential
neighborhood with mixed office, commercial and service uses. Limiting the hotel to 4 stories will
alleviate some of the view-shed concerns (views of the capitol building from Old Sauk Rd, and Old
Sauk ridge viewed from the east looking west). A 4 story hotel would be comparable in height to
similar west-side lodgings.
7. Building Design & Internal Street. SHNA supports the wide green edge along University Ave and
the use of a low berm to buffer the first floor of the clinic building. A green edge with drive-up front
entrance on the yet to be named internal street will also increase the pedestrian-friendly character of
the street corridor.
8. Surface Parking. Krupp Construction indicates that Phase I parking will consist of 250 stalls of
surface parking next to Building 1 in the location now shown as parking ramp. Construction of the
parking ramp is scheduled to be carried out when Buildings 2 & 3 are completed. However, without
a specific requirement that structure parking be built, there is a danger the site could be permanently
dominated with cheaper surface parking. SHNA requests that the Plan Commission place time limits
for surface parking.
9. Parking Ramp Height and Design. Perspective drawings (such as Building 1, page 13) suggest that
some parking structures are taller than adjoining buildings. SHNA requests that in all cases, ramp
height not exceed adjoining building height. Further, in keeping with the neighborhood character of
this development, all parking structures should be constructed with trim and finishes on all four sides
compatible with adjoining building designs.
10. Lighting. Apply dark-sky standards to all outdoor lighting. Screen lighting that faces neighboring
residential areas. We ask the Plan Commission to make this a requirement of the development.
11. Buffer Noise and Sound Transmission. The sound of train whistles and traffic noise is intense at this
site. Building designs should take noise into account. This is especially relevant for the hospitality
house and hotel. Tall, straight, building walls on University Ave will also amplify sound and
reflect it toward Indian Hills. SHNA recommends the use of sound dampening wall designs on the
street side of all structures. Rooftop mechanical systems should also be buffered to prevent sound
transmission into residential areas.
12. Demolition Controls. Krupp Construction has announced that the entire 14.35 acre site will be
cleared and graded in a single contract period following the granting of necessary permits and
transfers. Records of paint, plastic and metal fabricating businesses on this site pose the risk of
possible chemical contamination of soil. Continuous monitoring for contamination must be provided
during demolition and grading. Demolition will generate significant noise, dust, traffic and erosion
that will affect surrounding residents and businesses. SHNA requests that drilling and hammering
be kept to a minimum and that the site be watered down frequently to prevent dust. The site slopes
sharply to the north and drains directly into Spring Harbor. Erosion control measures including
contours, detention basins, and drainage swales must be incorporated into the grading plan. An
enhanced landscape planting plan should be carried out during the initial phase that includes grass
seeding and planting of permanent trees and shrubs in all areas not immediately developed. Existing
mature trees along property edges and street-sides should be preserved and protected.
Landscaping, Green Space and Connections
13. Expanded Green Space. Expand the use of tree-lined corridors to define pedestrian pathways
and connections. Preserve mature trees wherever possible. Provide an evergreen buffer along the
Trillium neighborhood boundary and retain established evergreens at University Ave and Whitney
Way. Utilize prairie grasses and native plantings to provide green edges along building fronts
utilizing designs similar to Sequoya Library terraces at Tokay and Midvale.
14. Pedestrian/Bicycle Connections. A complete system of pedestrian/bike paths through the new
development should be provided and connected to existing paths on the outside. SHNA supports
creating a permanent bike/pedestrian access to Craig Ave (Trillium neighborhood) from the
University Ave/Whitney Way development. A number of Craig Ave residents support this initiative.
Collaboration of property owners, city and developer is required. SHNA requests that a future rail
stop be designated during the planning phase with space and access reserved so that future rail
development will be possible.
15. SHNA requests that mature trees and shrubs be maintained at the corner of University Ave and
Whitney Way until the parcel is developed, and that trees and shrubs be maintained on the periphery
to the greatest extent possible. We ask the Plan Commission to add this requirement to any approval
of the development.